How do you wear an up do hair clip?
Wearing updo clips may seem like one of the simplest things in the world to learn how to do. But, it isn’t always for everyone. Which is why we’ve decided to make this tutorial sheet - so that you can know once and for all how to wear one of these wonderful hair accessories.
10 ways of wearing an updo hair clip
Style Numero Uno

This first style is actually pretty simple to do. First, you take your hair and pull it halfway up and twist it into a ponytail. The next thing you want to do is take the twisted ponytail, fold it in half, and use the clip to secure it.
Style Numero Dos
This is another one of the easiest styles you can do with an Updo hair clip. All you have to do is pull a bunch of your hair half-way up and insert the clip. This way, you have your hair out of your face and look cool at the same time.
Style Numero Tres

This style requires you to put your hair into a low bun and use the updo clip to secure it rather than a rubber band. Simple.
Style Numero Quatro

This style is very similar to style number 1, with the only difference being that you’ll be pulling all of your hair up instead of a little bit.
If you’re having an issue keeping your hair up in this style, all you have to do is flip the ponytail over and pull it all the way through. You then just wear the hair the same way you do with the original style.
Style Numero Cinco

This style requires you to pull every single strand of hair you have back, twist the ponytail you’ve created, and pull it towards the sky. You then add the clip, and let the extras hang. Fin.
Style Numero Seis

This style is the epitome of chic and casual. All you have to do to make it is brush, twist, and clip all of the hair at the top of your head. Doing so will make this hairstyle go from a classic updo to something a bit more laid back.
Style Numero Siete

We all know that having a braid is one of the most elegant and simple things you can do to your hair. However, adding a clip or 4 can make this go from elegant to elegantly relaxed. All you have to do is replace the bands used in the braid with hair clips and voila you have the loose braid.
Style Numero Ocho

The style we’re going to go over right now is the Top Knot. All you’re going to do is replace the hair ties you’d usually use with a hair clip.
Style Numero Nueve

When you’re working out you no longer have to tie your hair to the back of your head. All you have to do for this hairstyle is take all the hair and gather it to the crown of your head. You then take a large hair clip and use it to hold all of the hair together. Voila again.
Style Numero Diez

Finally, we have the Twisted Bun, a hair style that you can consider if you aren’t really a fan of top knots. All you have to do is make a ponytail coming from the back of your head, twist it into a bun, and fasten it with a clip.
Hope this helps. For more information check out more posts here